Sunday, June 7, 2009

MALPF : 21st Century Personal Finance

A very good day to all who are reading this page right now! MalPF is an initiative promoting TRUE personal finance especially in this 21st century.

About 50 years ago, personal insurance was perceived very negatively and talking about it was like hinting earlier death. 30 years ago, mutual fund or unit trust was once considered a Big Scam among the wet market talks. Then 15 years ago, Personal Finance has slowly sipped into both insurance and unit trust industries.

Today enough evidences have shown that the introduction of Personal Finance is splitted by both insurance and unit trust industries. Despite their differences, both are tweaked into a revenue generating machine rather than true education to general public. Many certifications are adopted, created and twisted with the purpose of earning more course and exam fees; At the cost of more confusion if not deeper ignorance in True Personal Finance.

Not all are evil, some used to be great concepts are just getting old by nature and may no longer be applicable in today's world. Likewise, some very distinctive fundamentals are never taught and has caused all sort of finance problems even among the most 'qualified' personal finance consultants.

MalPF or short for Multiple Attitudes and Leverages Personal Finance will try to focus on discussing all the above issues. If enough momentum can be gathered, hopefully such an effort can be continued in a systematic manner through all education channels.

MalPF can also be short for Malaysia Personal Finance, Major At Laugh PF etc. Can you think of some other funny names for MalPF ? suggest here ...

some of MalPF sharings ...
  • income is NOT a part of Personal Fniance
  • Getting RICH has NOTHING to do with Personal Finance
  • Truly understand the Concepts is Great but NOT a MUST
  • Executing the RIGHT actions bluntly may mean more than you can ever think of
